Solemn Statement
Recently, our company found that some criminals publicly used the names of founders, employees and others to induce investors to carry out illegal activities such as financing, wealth management and stock investment through websites, apps, wechat and other channels. Such acts have seriously damaged the image and reputation of our company and related persons, and also seriously damaged the public interest. We attach great importance to this.
Zhonghexin hereby solemnly declares as follows:
Zhonghexin has never and will not authorize any entity or individual to use the brand logo or carry out any public offering, investment inducement and other activities in the name of relevant persons through websites, apps, wechat, Weibo and other channels. All entities or individuals involved in the above-mentioned acts are illegal acts, which have seriously damaged the image and reputation of our company and related persons. Our company will not tolerate them and will strictly investigate the legal responsibilities of these entities or individuals in accordance with the law.
Once again, the official contact information of China Hexin is limited to:
【Official Website】
It is hereby solemnly declared.
ZhongHeXin private equity investment fund management (Hainan) Co., Ltd
Create professional financial investment services
Your asset appreciation is our goal
Create professional financial investment services
Your asset appreciation is our goal
ZhongHeXin private equity investment fund management (Hainan) Co., Ltd. was established in September 2021. It was approved and established by the local financial administration bureau of Hainan Province under the document number "haifinihan (2021) No. 17". It is a qflp private equity fund management company invested by overseas qualified investors, with a registered capital of 50million yuan. The registered address is room 1378, Ping An Bank building, No. 22, Jinlong Road, Longhua District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, and the legal representative is Wang Yehai. The business scope includes general items: private equity investment fund management, venture capital fund management services (business activities can be carried out only after the China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association completes the registration) (in addition to licensed businesses, projects that are not prohibited or restricted by laws and regulations can be independently operated in accordance with the Law).
Invest In Business
Expand Chinese enterprises with overseas funds
Focus on national strategies
Focus on national strategic industries and provide full financial support for such industries.
Treat customers in good faith
Treat customers with professional and honest work and provide customers with the best financial solutions.
Expand Chinese enterprises with overseas funds
Focus on national strategies
Focus on national strategic industries and provide full financial support for such industries.
Treat customers in good faith
Treat customers with professional and honest work and provide customers with the best financial solutions.
Expand Chinese enterprises with overseas funds
Focus on national strategies
Focus on national strategic industries and provide full financial support for such industries.
Treat customers in good faith
Treat customers with professional and honest work and provide customers with the best financial solutions.
Expand Chinese enterprises with overseas funds
Focus on national strategies
Focus on national strategic industries and provide full financial support for such industries.
Treat customers in good faith
Treat customers with professional and honest work and provide customers with the best financial solutions.
Corporate Culture
Promote social progress with the help of capital
Create wealth for society
Win win cooperation  Pragmatic Innovation
Develop Employees   Achieve Customers
Return to shareholders   Powerful Country
Whether a small step or a big step
We should promote human progress
Contact Information
Address: room 1378, Ping An Bank building, No. 22, Jinlong Road, Longhua District, Haikou, China
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